The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an International Catholic organization of lay persons founded in Paris, France in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam. His challenge was to prove the practical value of his Christian beliefs. In the spirit of Justice and Charity, its members seek to help those who are in need. The society takes care of those in need of food, clothing and other necessities of life. The society members meet on a regular basis to enhance their own spirituality and to discuss how they can be of service. The work of the Society depends on the donations of the good people of our parish.
Support or Volunteer inquiries: (224) 360-9161
Our Lenten Almsgiving Opportunity has concluded.
Thank you for everyone who generously participated in any way.

If you would like to support the works of the SVdP Ministry that is active at Saint Gilbert Parish, consider these ways you can help:
...pray right now for our volunteers and all those they serve -- our neighbors in need
...use the monetary donation boxes or the food pantry donation boxes in the narthex of the church.
- a gift envelope marked "SVdP' in the regular collection basket or mail or drop off your gift at the Parish office (monetary or gift card donations for food and 'necessities' are very much appreciated.).
...choose a secure, online giving option, by using SVdP on Give Central
...join the team and work directly with our neighbors in need or behind the scenes -- attend a monthly meeting which takes place on the third Tuesday of the month and discover more about the SVdP Ministry
...donate to or purchase from the SVdP Thrift Store, 168 Peterson Road, Libertyville, Illinois. The number is (847) 367-4700.
...pray every day for our volunteers and all those they serve - our neighbors in need.
SVdP continues to provide assistance to the needy in our surrounding communities during these most difficult times. For basic essentials of living assistance inquiries, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at (224) 360-9161. All help is confidential. Please call and leave a message. A member will return the call.