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Celebrating the Eucharistic Liturgy together is a vital part of our Catholic faith. The Mass is a communal celebration that relies on a number of people to fill important liturgical roles.  One of these roles is the position of Altar Server. Servers give of themselves to help the priest celebrate the Mass and act as prayer leaders for the community. Serving is a ministry and a privilege, not a task, and servers receive God’s help and blessing.

Altar Server Coordinator: Kathy Booher


If you would like to become a server, please talk to Fr. Pawel or email Kathy Booher.


Who is Eligible to Serve?


  • Registered Parishioners who are in the 5th thru 12th grade (St. Gilbert School, Religious Education Program, or homeschool)

  • Students who have completed the sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist.


General Reminders:


  • Be a positive role model for other students. The most important thing to remember is that people look to you to help create an atmosphere of reverence and prayer. Your behavior will either help or hinder the celebration.

  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before the liturgy begins. Greet everyone in the sacristy, sign the attendance sheet, and vest in your Alb and cross.

  • Attendance: The role of the altar server is very important, so once you are on the schedule it is imperative that you follow through. A server accepts the responsibility of signing up for a minimum of one Mass every month.

  • Appearance: Be sure to dress neatly. Proper clothing should be worn while serving.  Your attire shows people your respect for the Mass as well as for your role as a Server. Please be sure to wear an Alb that is long enough to come to your ankles. Dress nicely, as you would to go anywhere important. Avoid wearing gym shoes, work boots, shoes with high heels, flip flops or sandals.  Appropriate dress shoes are preferred. Avoid “striped” shirts or very bright colors because they show through the albs. Hair should be kept out of the face and eyes.

  • Expectations for this Ministry: It is expected that you will carefully read the entire training manual.  It clearly spells out the expectations and guidelines for all Servers.  Know and understand the various parts of the Liturgy as well as what the Presider does so that you can anticipate what he will need: i.e. Procession; Introductory Rite, Penitential Act; Opening Prayer; the Liturgy of the Word; the Homily; the Procession of Faith; the Universal Prayers; the Liturgy of the Eucharist; the Eucharistic Prayer; the Preface Acclamation; the Memorial Acclamation; the Communion Rite; the Prayer after Communion; the Concluding Rites; the Blessing and Dismissal.


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