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In our baptism, we acknowledge that we are each called and gifted by God. We are asked to bring and share our gifts to our faith community and to the world. Parishioners have a choice of giving options when making contributions to Saint Gilbert Parish. Additional Information regarding these options is provided throughout the registration process. However you give, THANK YOU for your generosity to Saint Gilbert Parish and the Ministries that reach out to the community with servant hearts!


Automated giving programs are available to Saint Gilbert Parishioners with an option to make a one time or recurring donation.


Donate Through:


TEXT2GIVE is a new, easy way to support the mission of the parish. Text the number (224) 219-0357 and enter the keyword for the donation you would like to make.

Hit SEND and follow the link. It's that easy! Donation keywords for giving:

Regular Collection (Text: DONATE)

Thanksgiving (Text: THANKS)

Giving Tuesday (Text: GIVING)

Christmas (Text: CHRISTMAS)

Easter (Text: EASTER)​


Traditional weekly contribution envelopes are available through the parish office by calling (847) 223-4731. Donations may be given at Masses or by mailing to our Parish Office.

These options are safe and secure, but most importantly it is a response to parishioners request to make it easier to give. Either option allows you to make automatically repeating payments on a schedule that you choose on any day you choose, or one-time payments using any credit card, debit card or electronic bank account. We believe that having a flexible online giving option will make it easier for many of you to support St. Gilbert.

IRA Distributions


Funds must transfer directly from your IRA custodian to the “Archdiocese of Chicago, 835 North Street, Chicago, IL 60611” in order to avoid a taxable event. You may designate your gift to St. Gilbert Parish or School, the Annual Catholic Appeal, or another ministry.

It is important to notify us (St. Gilbert) if you have requested a charitable distribution to St. Gilbert Parish. Please let us know the following information:


  • Name and contact information of IRA Plan Administrator

  • Dollar ($) amount of transfer

  • Where you would like your gift directed (for example, scholarship/endowment support or a specific ministry)


A recap of the IRA charitable rollover rules:


  • If you are 70½ or older, you may give up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to charities such as the Archdiocese.

  • This opportunity applies to both Traditional and ROTH IRAs; charitable donations from 403(b) plans, 401(k) plans, pension plans, and other retirement plans are ineligible.

  • You must distribute the gift amount directly from your IRA. It is important that you do not withdraw the funds prior to making your gift.

  • The distribution counts towards your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the current tax year and may help reduce your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).

  • You pay no income tax on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.


Planned Giving is another way to support our parish and its ministries. Planned Giving options include: 


  • Charitable Gift Annuities

  • Life Insurance Policies

  • Retirement Assets

  • Wills or Trusts


If you are interested in these unique opportunities to help the Parish, or if you have any questions, please contact our Business Manager at the Rectory (847) 223-4731 or via email at


As always, we thank you for your generosity and support!


What is an Automated Giving Program?


It is an automated means to financially support Saint Gilbert Parish through monthly contributions from your checking, savings or credit card account. There is NO cost to you to participate in the program.


What are the benefits to me?


  1. Allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget your other financial commitments.

  2. You no longer have to be concerned about making up missed offertory donations when you are out of town, on vacation, ill, etc.

  3. You can easily adjust the amount of your automated contribution (up or down) through the rectory or do it yourself via a secure website access or toll-free call.

  4. You no longer have to write a check every week.


How does it relate to the use of the weekly envelopes? 


If you choose to participate in the Automated Giving Program, then it replaces the use of weekly envelopes.


What happens to parishioners who feel uncomfortable not having to physically drop into the collection basket? 


Special donation slips are available  to be dropped into the collection basket for those enrolled in GiveCentral


How do I enroll? 


You can enroll by filling out an enrollment form found in the information display in the narthex, at the rectory, signing up directly on the GiveCentral website at www.givecentral.orgThe process takes less than three minutes.


Am I able to contribute to second collections including both parish and diocesan collections? 


Yes, All automated giving participants have the opportunity to contribute to second and special collections at the parish, including Christmas, Easter, Peter's Pence, and more.  Simply visit the site and select the icon for that collection.


How does a parishioner change his/her information, such as the amount of the donations, bank account number or mailing address? 


A parishioner can visit the website at or WeShare (formerly Parish Pay) directly or provide these changes to the parish office. 


Which payment methods are accepted? 


Automated transfers from your checking or savings accounts or major credit cards such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover may be used to make your donation contributions.


Does the parishioner receive receipts for tax purposes? 


Yes all contributors enrolled with either WeShare (formerly Parish Pay) or GiveCentral can print out an annual receipt directly from the website every January, which they can use for IRS documentation or we will also send tax receipts for all contributors giving over $250.00 annually.


Can I donate a one-time gift or pledge for a specific term? 


Yes, one time gifts are graciously accepted. Participants can also arrange for a specific amount to be paid over a number of months.


Plan ahead and earn a profit while shopping. We try to stock a variety of gift cards for all your shopping needs.

If we are out of stock, most cards can be ordered and delivered in two days. Just call the rectory for more information. Cards are sold after Mass, at School, or at the Rectory. Make every purchase profitable. Support the stores that support your Parish. Thank you for making a difference!


Gift Card Order Form


Christmas In July Raffle



2024 Winner List


12 Days of Winning Raffle



2024 Winner List


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